First off I want to 'apologizeÆ for sending you a form reply to your request for information about installing and/or configuring Anicons. But the truth is I receive approx. a dozen requests for information on these every day, and since my anicons are free I canÆt spare the time to provide personal attention to each and every request. Anywhoà On to the information
The anicons are for Windows 95 and Windows NT only. The do NOT work with Windows 3.1.
As for using the cursors follow this information and you should have no problems.
Select the Start Button, then Settings, then select Control Panel, then double click on the MOUSE icon. Then select the Pointers tab (second tab) highlight any of the 14 different cursors that can be configured, then select the browse button (lower right corner) and open the folder that you have placed my anicons.
Selecting any of the anicons (animated icons) will give you a preview (lower left corner) Select Open to choose the anicon you want.
If your anicons do not animate at this point it could be the cause of a virus. (happened to me on several occations) Please run your favorite anit-virus software. Personally I use Norton Anit-Virus. Also, some video cards have problems running animated icons. Try changing the color depth of your display to 256 colors. (Control Panel/Display/Display tab).
Unfortunately no company has created a way to animate icons on the desktop. Though I have heard there are several possibilities in the works.
So now that you can use them why donÆt you give it a go on trying to make your own. Impact Software makes a wonderful anicon and icon creating tool. This utility is called MicroAngelo and is available all over the Internet and is shareware and very inexpensive to register. MicroAngelo can catalog your icons, help you change the look of your desktop icons and various other icons within Windows 95. For me and my development work itÆs the premiere icon tool. (and no I was not prompted nor paid for this endorsement I just believe it to be a great piece of work.) Impact Software can be reached at thier Web Site: htp:\\
If you have further questions please feel free to write and I can handle that question on a more personal basis.